Ice Advice
Campaign to support communities
through ice addiction.
Concept development
Art direction
Campaign rollout
Campaign toolkit
Concept development
Campaign toolkit
Art direction
Campaign rollout

Support for users, families and communities affected by ice.
The Victorian Government’s $45.5 million Ice Action Plan aims to expand awareness of ice-related issues in a non-stigmatising way, and encourage people affected by their own or someone else’s ice use to seek help. The Department of Health and Human Services approached Studio Binocular to develop a campaign supporting the Ice Action Plan’s implementation and launch the new ice help line – 1800 Ice Advice.

We created headlines, key messages and calls to action for each of the target audience groups – ranging from potential ice users, through to addicts and their families. We developed concepts around the use of close-up photographic portraits to communicate the intensity of ice addiction, then undertook a casting process to identify the most suitable faces to feature in the campaign. Working with our photographer Craig Newell, we shot the talent in a front-on, documentary style. The resulting imagery creates a sense of honesty and authenticity to help reinforce the direct language of the messaging.

Studio Binocular extended the campaign through a wide range of media executions including traditional (printed press ads, posters, fact sheets and stationery) and digital (display ads, social media content). The campaign also included strong grass-roots engagement where we developed customisable templates for local ice action groups to help tackle addition in their communities.

The 1800 Ice Advice Line has
received over 5,000 calls since
it was first set up in 2015.
People helped