Health & human services

Health & Human Services

Partnering with inspiring clients to improve global health outcomes.

Our clients in the health sector range from mental health peak bodies, to public health campaigns and organisations helping to translate research into real-world impact.

All of our work in this area is bound by our clients’ unwavering commitment to improving local and global health outcomes.

Whether it be creating health related behaviour change campaigns, developing websites for biotech companies or designing reports for psychiatry colleges – we work with our clients to articulate the impact of their work and to engage audiences in some of the most challenging issues of our time.

Mental Health Victoria
Respect Victoria

Cancer Council of Victoria
Melbourne Biomedical Precinct

Kidney Health Australia
Australian Lung Foundation

Our clients in the health sector range from mental health peak bodies, to public health campaigns and organisations helping to translate research into real-world impact.

All of our work in this area is bound by our clients’ unwavering commitment to improving local and global health outcomes.

Whether it be creating health related behaviour change campaigns, developing websites for biotech companies or designing reports for psychiatry colleges – we work with our clients to articulate the impact of their work and to engage audiences in some of the most challenging issues of our time.

Mental Health Victoria
Respect Victoria

Cancer Council of Victoria
Melbourne Biomedical Precinct

Kidney Health Australia
Australian Lung Foundation

Mental Health Victoria
Respect Victoria
Cancer Council of Victoria

Melbourne Biomedical Precinct
Kidney Health Australia
Australian Lung Foundation

View selected health & human services projects:

Respect Victoria

Branding behaviour change.

Vic Kids Eat Well

Creating healthy places to set kids up for life

Are you safe at home

Award winning awareness campaign

Deakin University Alumni Magazine

Internationally award-winning magazine

Melbourne Biomedical Precinct

Brand & website for an economic powerhouse

Health Complaints Commissioner

Safe and ethical healthcare for all Victorians

YES: Youth Employment Study

Engaging marginalised young Australians

1800 Ice Advice

Supporting users and their families

Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Annual Report & Campaign